Start logging of "The Dojo" at 09/13/03 13:00:20 13:01: [The Dojo] Chronita: Ok, let's begin the assembly now, as always, with a /pray :) 13:01: [The Dojo] Chronita: Now for the mandatory “Rules of the Assembly” speech. . . ;) 13:02: [The Dojo] Chronita: I will be moderating this Assembly. This is not to prevent you from expressing yourself, on the contrary, but rather to try to keep it organized. Until I open a topic for discussion, comments in the org channel should be kept at a minimal. 13:02: [The Dojo] Chronita: If I open a discussion, you may freely contribute to the discussion (without standing up), until the discussion is closed. If I ask for any new topics and you have one you would like to raise, please stand and I will recognize you so you can state your topic, then we will have a discussion 13:02: [The Dojo] Chronita: When discussing, pls respect the others, and stick to the topic currently being discussed. Applicants are requested to limit their posts, and cannot take part in votes. 13:02: [The Dojo] Chronita: If someone from outside the org disturbs our meeting here, the best policy is to just ignore him/her. A council member or myself can tell them the meeting is in progress and ask them to leave, otherwise we should limit our contact with them. In the past it has been proven time and time again that the “zen” approach is best :) 13:02: [The Dojo] Chronita: End of Speech :) 13:03: [The Dojo] Dojonet: Ivilz logged off 13:03: [The Dojo] Chronita: A few topics today, then we can discuss SL stuff as needed. 13:04: [The Dojo] Dojonet: Ivul ( level 123 Martial Artist ) logged on - I have no need of a philosofic or |33t announcement when i log on =) :: Click for alternative character info. 13:05: [The Dojo] Dojonet: Leeuw joined the Guest-channel 13:05: [The Dojo] Chronita: ok 13:05: [The Dojo] Chronita: First topic - Lost Tower Field 13:06: [The Dojo] Chronita: Evidently late last night our ql30ish tower field was destroyed in PM 13:07: [The Dojo] Chronita: Because of this I had to reset our org contracts 13:07: [The Dojo] Chronita: The new contracts are for the same skills, only a little lower ql, so you might see a 1 or 2 point difference now 13:08: [The Dojo] Chronita: As for the tower field, we can certainly try and take it back, or target another field, etc. 13:08: [The Dojo] Chronita: Basically I see 3 ranges that we can target - ql30ish, ql75ish, and ql140-150ish 13:09: [The Dojo] Chronita: Those are all in different controller types so in theory we could place new controllers at all 3 13:10: [The Dojo] Chronita: However we need to find sites to attack and plan the attacks out if we want them. 13:10: [The Dojo] Chronita: There is a sign up thread on the forums for those interested in helping, and that is a big help of course. . . 13:10: [The Dojo] Xiahang: any idea who attacked us last night? was anyone here? 13:11: [The Dojo] Chronita: But we also need people to scout areas and help plan things as well 13:11: [The Dojo] Maleene: Velvent and Vox 13:12: [The Dojo] Chronita: My own role remains the same concerning towers - i am happy to help, but do not have the time or zeal to organize everything regarding the atk. 13:13: [The Dojo] Chronita: Also I am not going to convert the org to a PvP-oriented group like so many others have done just to try and gain a few bonuses. 13:13: [The Dojo] Dojonet: Punkstress ( level 38 Nano-Technician ) logged on 13:14: [The Dojo] Chronita: So whatever we benefit from tower-wise is going to be due to the selflessness of those willing to dedicate time in that regard. 13:15: [The Dojo] Chronita: So, if you are interested in helping, post so on the forums, talk to me about opportunities, etc. 13:15: [The Dojo] Chronita: When the time comes for an attack, I'll coordinate inter and intra org actions as best I can. 13:17: [The Dojo] Chronita: I'll probably make another thread later for the 30-75 plans so everyone can post their chars in that range that are available for battle 13:18: [The Dojo] Chronita: Ok, next topic. .. 13:18: [The Dojo] Xiahang: well thing is we would need someone to plant dojo tower also 13:18: [The Dojo] Cutephyter: are General's able to place controllers? 13:18: [The Dojo] Thakilla5: yea I believe 13:19: [The Dojo] Chronita: While I'm speaking of forums - this past week I created a new Shadowknowledge forum for all our SL data gathering needs :) 13:19: [The Dojo] Cutephyter: k, I was thinking they are, not sure though 13:19: [The Dojo] Chronita: If you want to post info or ask a question about SL related issues, please use that forum. 13:20: [The Dojo] Chronita: I have moved a couple existing threads to that forum to start it out 13:20: [The Dojo] Maleene: *clans 13:21: [The Dojo] Chronita: Also, if you intend to post quest spoilers, etc., I would appreciate placing a spoiler alert in the subject or first few lines of the post. 13:22: [The Dojo] Chronita: So make sure and check out that new forum :) 13:22: [The Dojo] Maleene: Added 3 threads in Forum now.. 2 of them i'm not finished writing.. third is up and running.. (just a copy from a post on official forum) 13:23: [The Dojo] Chronita: Now, Saathi has a little announcement about a change to Dojobot. 13:23: [The Dojo] Maleene: would rahter have a lvl 10 trader with ql 50 pump master... 13:23: [The Dojo] Maleene: eek mt 13:23: [The Dojo] Chronita: All yours Saathi 13:23: [The Dojo] Saathi: I have heard many people ask me to make all the bot commands start with a !, such as !online 13:24: [The Dojo] Saathi: the bot does tend to recognise certain words by themselves and spam the org chat with unwanted messages 13:25: [The Dojo] Saathi: so basically i thought i'd put this out as an idea, might cut down on those little annoyabces 13:25: [The Dojo] Dojonet: Axeman00 logged off 13:25: [The Dojo] Saathi: annoyances* 13:25: [The Dojo] Maleene: =) 13:25: [The Dojo] Saathi: back to chron :D 13:25: [The Dojo] Cutephyter: <---In favor of the "!" =) 13:25: [The Dojo] Preta: same 13:25: [The Dojo] Maleene: yepp 13:26: [The Dojo] Dojonet: Ewall ( level 93 Martial Artist ) logged on 13:26: [The Dojo] Chronita: ok, thx Saathi, basically we will retain functionailty on the org line, and keep it for actual requests rather than random bot spam :) 13:27: [The Dojo] Chronita: That concludes the official topics for today 13:27: [The Dojo] Chronita: We'll use the next 1/2 hour for general SL topics/questions. 13:28: [The Dojo] Chronita: If you have a question or topic, pls stand and be recognized 13:28: [The Dojo] Chronita: ok Ivul, all yours :) 13:28: [The Dojo] Ivul: have we come to a decision regarding shades in The dojo? 13:29: [The Dojo] Chronita: good Q, and no we ahve not :) we can discuss it a bit today here, then on the forums this week 13:29: [The Dojo] Fantomen: What about Keepers ? 13:29: [The Dojo] Dojonet: [Guest] Leeuw : :been away for a while so maybe stupid question: does FoTD recs Keepers? 13:29: [The Dojo] Maleene: Keepers does not have anything to do in The Dojo.. 13:29: [The Dojo] Chronita: then next assembly we may vote on the issue 13:30: [The Dojo] Maleene: they are enf like prof... almsot like Paladins in games like NWN and BG 13:30: [The Dojo] Tabataia: but Fotd will take Keepers i bet 13:30: [The Dojo] Chronita: For now, keepers and shades will be included in FotD like all other professions 13:30: [The Dojo] Maleene: FoTD takes all =) 13:30: [The Dojo] Dojonet: [Guest] Leeuw : yay:) 13:30: [The Dojo] Crazyyma: *raises her hand* What's FoTD?.. 13:31: [The Dojo] Ewall: Friends of the Dojo 13:31: [The Dojo] Xeranex: its a friend org for us 13:31: [The Dojo] Crazyyma: Ah... ;P 13:31: [The Dojo] Ewall: designed for alts and non MAs 13:31: [The Dojo] Tabataia: our alt org 13:31: [The Dojo] Maleene: ops.. Xia LD again 13:31: [The Dojo] Dojonet: Xiahang logged off 13:31: [The Dojo] Dojonet: Xiahang ( level 196 Martial Artist ) logged on - 13:31: [The Dojo] Dojonet: Refflection logged off 13:32: [The Dojo] Chronita: I guess we will keep shade discussion on the forums - Munk will probably make a good post outlining what they are all about, then we can decide if they are MA-ish enough to be considered :) 13:32: [The Dojo] Tabataia: sounds good 13:32: [The Dojo] Xiahang: oh you answering my question now 13:32: [The Dojo] Preta: ok 13:33: [The Dojo] Maleene: =P 13:33: [The Dojo] Maleene: mt 13:33: [The Dojo] Chronita: ok Ewall, go ahead 13:33: [The Dojo] Ewall: i just want an opinion, is SL worth a 40-50 $ purchace? 13:33: [The Dojo] Ivul: yes 13:33: [The Dojo] Thakilla5: ues 13:33: [The Dojo] Thakilla5: yes* 13:33: [The Dojo] Ewall: ok thx 13:33: [The Dojo] Fantomen: It takes alot of time SL 13:34: [The Dojo] Dojonet: Refflection ( level 169 Martial Artist ) logged on 13:34: [The Dojo] Chronita: IMHO, if one wants to "keep up" in AO, SL is a must. 13:34: [The Dojo] Maleene: yeah.. FC have done it like.. buy it or be nerfed... 13:34: [The Dojo] Dojonet: [Guest] Leeuw : yep but very new atm, lotsa personal research to do in SL, fun!!! 13:34: [The Dojo] Maleene: that is kinda bad.. 13:36: [The Dojo] Chronita: RK is about the same however save for a bit higher human mob difficulty, so it is not like you can not play the game w/out it 13:36: [The Dojo] Ewall: is the difficulty in SL designed for 100+ players if you know what i mean 13:36: [The Dojo] Chronita: SO much new content in SL tho that the gap between SL and non-SL account is a bit too large to ignore ;) 13:37: [The Dojo] Ewall: as in 99- are encouraged to stay on RK? 13:37: [The Dojo] Maleene: you can start in SL as lvl 1 13:37: [The Dojo] Chronita: Well, there is plenty to do for all levels in SL 13:37: [The Dojo] Ewall: hmm 13:37: [The Dojo] Tabataia: Just 1 Question did anybody here something about the changed spawn rate for outdoor campsites like 8x8 or borgs ? 13:37: [The Dojo] Ewall: makes me wonder whats the point of RK now 13:37: [The Dojo] Chronita: RK mobs are easier on avg than SL mobs however 13:37: [The Dojo] Cutephyter: I would encourage starting new char's in SL, the training grounds there are much better, and have quests you can do for some good starting items 13:38: [The Dojo] Maleene: can also stay in backyard until lvl 14-15 13:38: [The Dojo] Thakilla5: 15 :) 13:38: [The Dojo] Chronita: about the spawn rates - 13:38: [The Dojo] Fantomen: There was a general change of spawn rates on RK 13:38: [The Dojo] Fantomen: in 1501 13:39: [The Dojo] Chronita: FC stated they they changed it to be on par with the population of the playfield 13:39: [The Dojo] Fantomen: but dont know wich way 13:39: [The Dojo] Chronita: mainly this was a change to conserve resources on playfields that are not being used much 13:39: [The Dojo] Chronita: So, certain camps are suffering on RK as a result 13:40: [The Dojo] Chronita: FC is looking into tweaking it some for the "favorite" hunting camps, but no ETA on a change yet 13:40: [The Dojo] Tabataia: lets hope for it 13:41: [The Dojo] Chronita: Ok, any other question, or just general discussions about SL? 13:41: [The Dojo] Saathi: i hav something, but not SL related 13:41: [The Dojo] Tabataia: Mal get the fire out :) 13:41: [The Dojo] Chronita: ok Saathi, go ahead 13:41: [The Dojo] Xiahang: just what i was thinking tab lol 13:42: [The Dojo] Cutephyter: me too 13:42: [The Dojo] Saathi: today i have heard a lot of people using rude language, and people correcting them over org chat, i personally have no problem with the language but i ask that warning and such are done over tells, so as not to embarass (sp?) others 13:42: [The Dojo] Dojonet: [Friends of the Dojo] Punkstress: i disagree 13:43: [The Dojo] Chronita: ok let me speak on that first here 13:43: [The Dojo] Chronita: any sort of serious warning from a council member or myself is done in tells 13:43: [The Dojo] Dojonet: [Friends of the Dojo] Punkstress: woo 13:43: [The Dojo] Dojonet: [Friends of the Dojo] Punkstress: mt 13:44: [The Dojo] Chronita: on the org chat however, we still provide "reminders" i'd like to call them 13:44: [The Dojo] Chronita: soap for example ;) 13:44: [The Dojo] Maleene: Neurobatica's Famous soap =P 13:45: [The Dojo] Saathi: even still, i (and i'm sure some others) find it very annoying to hear this type of thing go on in a semi-public chat 13:45: [The Dojo] Chronita: no one should feel upset about that, as it is just a reminder after all, and not a public hanging of any sort - everyone has times where things slip ;0 13:45: [The Dojo] Cutephyter: we are laughting with you, not at you =) 13:45: [The Dojo] Ivul: =) 13:45: [The Dojo] Crazyyma: my mum used to say that to me... 13:45: [The Dojo] Saathi: just today i saw someone get upset over a warning given on org chat 13:46: [The Dojo] Refflection: If i might chime in here, it was not a warning on org chat 13:46: [The Dojo] Chronita: also, our org chat is regulated via Dojo rules - if you are not sure about what kind of behavior is correct, pls read up on it on the website 13:46: [The Dojo] Saathi: whatever it is, it is blaming someone for doing something wrong, however friendly that may be it is easy to become offended by it 13:46: [The Dojo] Refflection: It was a friendly reminder, and there is no reason to be upset about someone making light of the situation by "washing your mouth out" 13:47: [The Dojo] Refflection: We have done it using neura's soap for years now, and there is no real reason to change that 13:47: [The Dojo] Saathi: i'll just stop talking cuz this is gonna become a huge argument 13:47: [The Dojo] Maleene: we all gotten the taste of the soap =P 13:48: [The Dojo] Refflection: I got upset the first time it was done to me until i lightened up 13:48: [The Dojo] Refflection: Munkee remembers that 13:48: [The Dojo] Maleene: ditto... 13:48: [The Dojo] Chronita: if someone is so easily offended by a good-jest reminder like that, they need to talk to me about it privately 13:48: [The Dojo] Ivul: i dont think the person in question got upset, it was a question wether or not the word used was a expression or a curse, this has happened before and the rules are clear on this 13:49: [The Dojo] Ewall: what kind of armor is that Thakilla? 13:49: [The Dojo] Chronita: anyway, 99% of the time our PG atmosphere serves us well, so I'm in no rush to change things :) 13:50: [The Dojo] Equipped: PG ? 13:50: [The Dojo] Cutephyter: PG rated =) 13:50: [The Dojo] Ewall: hehe 13:50: [The Dojo] Tabataia: the Age rating 13:50: [The Dojo] Cutephyter: as opposed to say....R =) 13:50: [The Dojo] Xiahang: parential guidence 13:50: [The Dojo] Ewall: this is too funny 13:50: [The Dojo] Saathi: not much of a change, i just don't want to hear about it, it can still go on tho 13:50: [The Dojo] Chronita: Mother Chron is ;) 13:51: [The Dojo] Chronita: hehe, ok, any last topics? 13:52: [The Dojo] Chronita: ok, we'll end assembly here then with a /pray :)